Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 07.00pm
Usmani & Co. Pvt. Ltd.Usmani & Co. Pvt. Ltd.Usmani & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
(Sat - Thursday)
Block- B, SMCHS, Karachi
Usmani & Co. Pvt. Ltd.Usmani & Co. Pvt. Ltd.Usmani & Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Halal Certification

Halal Certification
Halal Certification

We have specialist scholars who can examine any food, medicines, or product to use, and determine if it is Halal to use or not and can certify on behalf of Usmani & Co. We will help you in understanding and implementation of all steps which are required to get Halal Certification. Contact us for details.

Usmani & Company Pvt Ltd.

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