The website would only gather your personal information and then will use it so that you could make your services and software better, faster and greater for you surely. You do not have to worry about your personal information as your information would not be disclosed without your obvious agreement. Your rights would not be minimized under the policy of privacy and cookies without your obvious agreement and you also would not get any change on the page as well.
Every website keeps every data carefully but the liability could not be presumed obviously. The website might also keep links to the websites of third parties. In every case the giver of the information of the websites that would be linked would be liable for the accuracy and content of the information that is given or provided to you. You could use personal material for research and for information motive as well. You might also see some changes to the website as well according to the need and requirement. Changes are made in order to make the website much better and it would also be great and easy for all the users as well. This way all the users could also see some beneficial changes as well.